Contentbox headline
Hunter voltar

Experiência: 150
Velocidade: 215
Vida: 150

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 15
Defense: 15

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Torch - 3.3% Small Ruby - 0.15%
Dragon Necklace - 3% Bow - 5.77%
Brass Helmet - 5.05% Brass Armor - 5.07%
Arrow 22 82% Poison Arrow 4 4.5%
Burst Arrow 3 5.36% Orange 2 20.3%
Roll 2 11.37% Sniper Gloves - 0.61%
Slingshot - 0.12% Wolf Trophy - 0.19%
Deer Trophy - 0.52% Lion Trophy - 0.07%
Hunter's Quiver - 10.24%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box