Contentbox headline

Protection Level25
RunasNao Infinitas !
MunicoesCom durabilidade !
Municoes InfinitasSpear, Royal Spear, Enchanted Spear, Hunting Spear Infinitas !
Reward LevelLevel 20 (7.5k), 60 (20k), 80 (20k), 130 (30k), 150 (50k), 200 (80k)!
Rates EXP
From Level To Level Rate
1 300 999x
301 999x
Rates Skills all Vocations
From Skill To Skill Rate
10 60 8x
61 70 5x
71 80 3x
81 99 2x
100 1x
Rates Magic all Vocations
From ML To ML Rate
0 60 5x
61 70 4x
71 80 3x
81 99 2x
100 1x
From ML To ML Rate
0 60 5x
61 70 4x
71 80 3x
81 99 2x
100 1x
From ML To ML Rate
0 3 5x
4 5 4x
6 7 3x
8 9 2x
10 1x
From ML To ML Rate
0 10 5x
11 13 4x
14 18 3x
19 25 2x
26 1x

Info Server
World TypeOpen-PvP
Client Version8.60
Free Houses 1521
Accounts in database: 30
Players in database: 50
Guilds in databese:6

Account Features
Feature Free Account Premium Account
Shared Experience in Party
Completing Quests & Tasks
Use all spells
Promotion of Vocation
Cast Online
Access: Thais, Carlin, Ab'dendriel, Venore, Kazordoon, Darashia, Ankrahmun, Port Hope, Edron, Svargrond, Yalahar, Zao, Farmine , Liberty Bay and Goroma
Access: Roshamull, Oramond
Loyalty Points
NPC Premium Buyer
Create Guild
Buy Houses

Cast System
Cast Online Free Account Premium Account
Bonus Experience +2% EXP +3% EXP

Stamina Regeneration
Áreas de regeneração de stamina
Free Account
Premium Account
4 minuto de stamina a cada 6 minutos 5 minuto de stamina a cada 6 minutos 5 minuto de stamina a cada 6 minutos

House Infos
O aluguel da casa será cobrado semanalmente.
O valor do aluguel será o mesmo que você pagou ao comprar a casa.
Você pode pagar o aluguel deixando o dinheiro no banco ou depot.
Para mais informações, clique aqui.

White Skull Time8 minutes
Kills/Frag Time4 hours (Each Frag)
Frags to Red Skull Daily: 8 Weekly: 85 Monthly: 250
Frags to Black Skull Daily: 20 Weekly: 200 Monthly: 500
Para mais informações, utilize o comando: !frags


Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box