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Lost Berserker voltar

Experiência: 4400
Velocidade: 250
Vida: 5900

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 40
Defense: 40

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Flowers - 2.28% Dirt Floor - 2.28%
Dirt Wall - 2.28% Trapdoor - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Stalagmites - 2.28%
Stalagmites - 2.28% Trapdoor - 2.28%
Stairs - 2.28% Stone Tile - 2.28%
Sandstone Floor - 2.28% Stone Tile - 2.28%
Stairs - 2.28% Wooden Floor - 2.28%
Wooden Floor - 2.28% Wooden Floor - 2.28%
Strange Carving - 2.28% Hole - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% Hole - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% Lava - 2.28%
Tar - 2.28% Sandstone - 2.28%
Mountain - 2.28% Rocks - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Stone Archway - 2.28%
Mountain - 2.28% Flat Roof - 2.28%
Tiled Roof - 2.28% Wooden Roof - 2.28%
Chess Board - 2.28% Mill Board - 2.28%
Tic-tac-toe Board - 2.28% Brick Wall - 2.28%
Framework Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Sandstone Wall - 2.28% Sandstone Wall - 2.28%
Metal Wall - 2.28% Metal Wall - 2.28%
Sandstone Wall - 2.28% White Stone Wall - 2.28%
Archway - 2.28% Ornamented Wall - 2.28%
Wall Fountain - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Ornamented Wall - 2.28% Paravent - 2.28%
Ornamented Wall - 2.28% Wall Fountain - 2.28%
Lava Wall - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Buttress - 2.28% Framework Window - 2.28%
Brick Window - 2.28% Stone Wall Window - 2.28%
White Stone Wall Window - 2.28% Sandstone Window - 2.28%
Sail - 2.28% Rudder Of The Boat - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Stone - 2.28%
Debris - 2.28% Debris - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Fountain - 2.28%
Water Basin - 2.28% Draw Well - 2.28%
Marble Well - 2.28% Marble Fountain - 2.28%
Water Wheel - 2.28% Millstone - 2.28%
Grave Stone - 2.28% Stone Coffin - 2.28%
Buried Coffin - 2.28% Campfire - 2.28%
Campfire - 2.28% Campfire - 2.28%
Sign - 2.28% Street Sign - 2.28%
Sign - 2.28% Gargoyle Statue - 2.28%
Pedestal - 2.28% Cobra Statue - 2.28%
Cobra Statue - 2.28% Street Lamp - 2.28%
Coal Basin - 2.28% Wooden Railing - 2.28%
Stone Railing - 2.28% Fence - 2.28%
Fence - 2.28% Bars - 2.28%
Stone Railing - 2.28% Sandstone Railing - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% White Stone Railing - 2.28%
Wooden Railing - 2.28% Big Table - 2.28%
Counter - 2.28% Counter - 2.28%
Table - 2.28% Table - 2.28%
Table - 2.28% Counter - 2.28%
Throne - 2.28% Throne - 2.28%
Bench - 2.28% Couch - 2.28%
Luxurious Couch - 2.28% Wardrobe - 2.28%
Bookcase - 2.28% Big Wine Cask - 2.28%
Oven - 2.28% Red Carpet - 2.28%
Oriental Carpet - 2.28% Tapestry - 2.28%
Wall Mirror - 2.28% Emblem - 2.28%
Painting - 2.28% Scarab Ornament - 2.28%
Picture - 2.28% Painting - 2.28%
Picture - 2.28% Painting - 2.28%
Wall Mirror - 2.28% Wall Mirror - 2.28%
Wall Mirror - 2.28% Picture - 2.28%
Purple Tapestry - 2.28% Green Tapestry - 2.28%
Yellow Tapestry - 2.28% Orange Tapestry - 2.28%
Red Tapestry - 2.28% Blue Tapestry - 2.28%
White Tapestry - 2.28% Demon Trophy - 2.28%
Wolf Trophy - 2.28% Orc Trophy - 2.28%
Behemoth Trophy - 2.28% Deer Trophy - 2.28%
Cyclops Trophy - 2.28% Dragon Trophy - 2.28%
Lion Trophy - 2.28% Minotaur Trophy - 2.28%
Bloodstain - 2.28% Bloodspot - 2.28%
Cobwebs - 2.28% Flowery Wall - 2.28%
Mossy Wall - 2.28% Mossy Wall - 2.28%
Mossy Wall - 2.28% Lever - 2.28%
Pool - 2.28% Piggy Bank - 3.92%
Gold Coin 100 5% Platinum Coin 9 1%
Rubbish - 2.28% Rubbish - 2.28%
Wooden Trash - 2.28% Stone Rubbish - 2.28%
Spell Rune - 2.28% Spell Rune - 2.28%
Spell Rune - 2.28% Spell Rune - 2.28%
Spell Rune - 2.28% Fire Axe - 0.38%
Royal Helmet - 0.15% Guardian Shield - 0.1%
Black Shield - 0.64% Bowl - 2.28%
Locker - 2.28% Coal Basin - 2.28%
Altar - 2.28% Sacrificial Stone - 2.28%
Altar - 2.28% Sacrificial Stone - 2.28%
Tic-tac-toe Token - 2.28% Dead Tree - 2.28%
Dead Tree - 2.28% Cactus - 2.28%
Cactus - 2.28% Cactus - 2.28%
Royal Blossom - 2.28% Water Lily - 2.28%
Rosebush - 2.28% Brown Mushroom 2 1.52%
Some Mushrooms - 2.28% Slain Ghoul - 2.28%
Dead Minotaur - 2.28% Dead Minotaur - 2.28%
Dead Minotaur - 2.28% Dead Cyclops - 2.28%
Dead Human - 2.28% Dead Dog - 2.28%
Dead Dragon - 2.28% Ladder - 2.28%
Wooden Floor - 2.28% Stone Floor - 2.28%
Large Stone Carving - 2.28% Carved Stone Tile - 2.28%
Carved Stone Tile - 2.28% Ornamented Floor - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Ornamented Floor - 2.28%
Snake Ornament - 2.28% Wooden Floor - 2.28%
Stairs - 2.28% Stone Floor - 2.28%
Wooden Floor - 2.28% Broken Stone Tile - 2.28%
Wooden Floor - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Jungle Grass - 2.28% Ant Trail - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Dried Grass Roof - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall Window - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Bamboo Wall - 2.28%
Bamboo Palisade - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Bamboo Wall - 2.28% Bamboo Wall - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Broken Stone Wall - 2.28%
Grass Wall - 2.28% Grass Wall - 2.28%
Grass Archway - 2.28% Liane - 2.28%
Palisade - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Waterfall - 2.28% Small Boat - 2.28%
Small Boat - 2.28% Small Boat - 2.28%
Small Sail - 2.28% Paddle - 2.28%
Mast - 2.28% Mossy Stone - 2.28%
Stones - 2.28% Stones - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Mossy Stone - 2.28%
Debris - 2.28% Stone - 2.28%
Painted Stone - 2.28% Large Cauldron - 2.28%
Sacred Statue - 2.28% Broken Lizard Statue - 2.28%
Lizard Statue - 2.28% Giant Lizard Head - 2.28%
Giant Lizard Claw - 2.28% Dried Well - 2.28%
Poison Well - 2.28% Pagoda - 2.28%
Huntress Statue - 2.28% Bamboo Column - 2.28%
Bamboo Pole - 2.28% Rope Bridge - 2.28%
Short Pillar - 2.28% Rope Bridge - 2.28%
Rope Railing - 2.28% Wooden Bars - 2.28%
Wooden Bars - 2.28% Wooden Bars - 2.28%
Bamboo Wardrobe - 2.28% Bamboo Shelf - 2.28%
Small Bamboo Shelf - 2.28% Grass Mat - 2.28%
Straw Mat - 2.28% Brown Bear Fur - 2.28%
Polar Bear Fur - 2.28% Feather Decoration - 2.28%
Dried Fur - 2.28% Tanned Brown Bear Fur - 2.28%
Tanned Polar Bear Fur - 2.28% Fishing Net - 2.28%
Giant Footprint - 2.28% Tanned Tiger Fur - 2.28%
Tiger Fur - 2.28% Cup - 2.28%
Crane - 2.28% Thorn Bush - 2.28%
Jungle Umbrella Plant - 2.28% Bamboo Plant - 2.28%
Giant Tree - 2.28% Jungle Vines - 2.28%
Liana - 2.28% Giant Tree - 2.28%
Titans Orchid - 2.28% Gold Blossom - 2.28%
Meadow Star - 2.28% Dew Kisser Flower - 2.28%
Velvet Petal - 2.28% Large Pearl Flower - 2.28%
Dead Man's Saddle - 2.28% Moss Cap Mushroom - 2.28%
Slime Table Mushroom - 2.28% Fallen Tree - 2.28%
Vines - 2.28% Jungle Maw - 2.28%
Fallen Tree - 2.28% Giant Tree - 2.28%
Giant Tree Root - 2.28% Fallen Tree - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Red Carpet - 2.28%
Rock Soil - 2.28% Rocks - 2.28%
Mountain - 2.28% Rock Soil - 2.28%
Grass - 2.28% Gravel - 2.28%
Gravel - 2.28% Mossy Spots - 2.28%
Sand - 2.28% Shallow Water - 2.28%
Shallow Water - 2.28% Shallow Water - 2.28%
Shallow Water - 2.28% Shallow Water - 2.28%
Dirt - 2.28% Swamp - 2.28%
Swamp - 2.28% Snow - 2.28%
Swamp - 2.28% Sand - 2.28%
Grass - 2.28% Dirt - 2.28%
Shallow Water - 2.28% Mountain - 2.28%
Shallow Water - 2.28% Dirt - 2.28%
Stairs - 2.28% Swamp - 2.28%
Ship - 2.28% Ship Cabin Wall - 2.28%
Ship Railing - 2.28% Mast - 2.28%
Sail - 2.28% Steering Wheel - 2.28%
Rudder Blade - 2.28% Mast - 2.28%
Hawser - 2.28% Cleat - 2.28%
Dead Butterfly - 2.28% Hawser - 2.28%
Ship Cabin Wall - 2.28% White Stone Wall - 2.28%
Lava Wall - 2.28% Skull - 2.28%
Some Skulls - 2.28% Burning Skull - 2.28%
Magic Forcefield - 2.28% Bamboo Lamp - 2.28%
Flat Roof - 2.28% Burning Wall - 2.28%
Electric Sparks - 2.28% Energy Fence - 2.28%
Lava Fountain - 2.28% Stony Pond - 2.28%
Banana Tree - 2.28% Framework Wall - 2.28%
Mango Tree - 2.28% Striped Marquee - 2.28%
Marquee - 2.28% Wooden Railing - 2.28%
Stone Wall Window - 2.28% Wooden Wall - 2.28%
Wooden Window - 2.28% Wooden Plank - 2.28%
White Stone Wall Window - 2.28% White Stone Railing - 2.28%
White Stone Railing - 2.28% Wooden Railing - 2.28%
Wooden Column - 2.28% Sign - 2.28%
Pawpaw Tree - 2.28% Stone Wall Window - 2.28%
Bamboo Lamp - 2.28% Ocean Floor - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Coral - 2.28%
Bubbles - 2.28% Coral - 2.28%
Water Wheel - 2.28% Ocean Floor - 2.28%
Old Steering Wheel - 2.28% Remains Of A Mast - 2.28%
Remains Of A Mast - 2.28% Wrecked Ship Cabin Wall - 2.28%
Wrecked Ship Cabin Railing - 2.28% Wrecked Ship Hull - 2.28%
Distilling Machine - 2.28% Ball On Chains - 2.28%
Iron Maiden - 2.28% Pillory - 2.28%
Barred Window - 2.28% Shackles - 2.28%
Wall Chains - 2.28% Straw - 2.28%
Pulley - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Cart - 2.28% Pile Of Sugar Cane - 2.28%
Straw - 2.28% Mossy Wall - 2.28%
Small Branches - 2.28% Slimy Wall - 2.28%
Blue Carpet - 2.28% Green Carpet - 2.28%
Brown Carpet - 2.28% Crossed Weapons - 2.28%
Catapult - 2.28% Pirate Flag - 2.28%
Pirate Flag - 2.28% Rubble - 2.28%
Dirt Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Dirt Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Map - 2.28% Water Trickle - 2.28%
Pirate Statue - 2.28% Treasure Chest - 2.28%
Ballista - 2.28% Shark Fin - 2.28%
Rubble - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Antic Well - 2.28% Wooden Floor - 2.28%
Earth Pile - 2.28% Turtle - 2.28%
Drawbridge - 2.28% Metal Fittings - 2.28%
Target Board - 2.28% Stuck Arrow - 2.28%
Training Dummy - 2.28% Stuck Axe - 2.28%
Die - 2.28% Small Lava Cracks - 2.28%
Rock Soil - 2.28% Small Lava Cracks - 2.28%
Weapon Rack - 2.28% Lance - 2.28%
Sword - 2.28% Scimitar - 2.28%
Armor - 2.28% Rubble - 2.28%
Poison Trickle - 2.28% Iron Ore - 0.89%
Magic Sulphur - 0.72% Large Throne - 2.28%
Electric Sparks - 2.28% Note Pinned On The Wall - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% Tree Wall - 2.28%
Grass Roof - 2.28% Trapdoor - 2.28%
Tree Archway - 2.28% Tree Hole - 2.28%
Tree - 2.28% Large Branch - 2.28%
Branch - 2.28% Rope Bridge - 2.28%
Grass - 2.28% Twines - 2.28%
Flowers - 2.28% Tree Archway - 2.28%
Archway - 2.28% Tendril Wall - 2.28%
Tendrils - 2.28% Some Leaves - 2.28%
Broken Brick Wall - 2.28% Some Cracks - 2.28%
Burning Wall - 2.28% Some Cracks - 2.28%
Debris - 2.28% Bones - 2.28%
Bones - 2.28% Large Branch - 2.28%
Branch - 2.28% Framework Window - 2.28%
Framework Window - 2.28% Brick Window - 2.28%
Brick Window - 2.28% Stone Window - 2.28%
Stone Window - 2.28% Marble Window - 2.28%
Tree Window - 2.28% Tree Window - 2.28%
Sandstone Window - 2.28% Sandstone Window - 2.28%
Bamboo Window - 2.28% Bamboo Window - 2.28%
Sandstone Window - 2.28% Sandstone Window - 2.28%
Stone Window - 2.28% Stone Window - 2.28%
Wooden Window - 2.28% Wooden Window - 2.28%
Wooden Planks - 2.28% Debris - 2.28%
Christmas Branch - 2.28% Christmas Present - 2.28%
Christmas Garland - 2.28% Christmas Garland - 2.28%
Skeleton - 2.28% Coloured Egg - 2.28%
Tic-tac-toe Token - 2.28% Flat Roof - 2.28%
Surprise Bag - 2.28% Snow - 2.28%
Snow - 2.28% Shallow Water - 2.28%
Ice - 2.28% Shallow Water - 2.28%
Ice - 2.28% Icy Mountain - 2.28%
Ice Wall - 2.28% Frozen Wall - 2.28%
Ice Hut - 2.28% Ice Hut - 2.28%
Snow - 2.28% Icy Mountain - 2.28%
Ice - 2.28% Icy Mountain - 2.28%
Fur Wall - 2.28% Fur Wall - 2.28%
Fur Wall Window - 2.28% Fur Wall Window - 2.28%
Barbarian Banner - 2.28% Fur - 2.28%
Frozen Wall - 2.28% Wooden Wall - 2.28%
Wooden Wall - 2.28% Stone Base - 2.28%
Stone Base - 2.28% Ice - 2.28%
Archway - 2.28% Strut - 2.28%
Tusks - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Ice - 2.28% Ice - 2.28%
Frozen Railing - 2.28% Entrance - 2.28%
Mammoth Skull - 2.28% Mammoth Skull - 2.28%
Mammoth Fur - 2.28% Rope - 2.28%
Fish - 2.28% Wooden Dragon - 2.28%
Wooden Bull - 2.28% Wooden Yeti - 2.28%
Wooden Decoration - 2.28% Snowy Stone - 2.28%
Snowy Dead Tree - 2.28% Nordic Wall Window - 2.28%
Nordic Wall Window - 2.28% Ice Wall Window - 2.28%
Ice Wall Window - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Ice - 2.28% Rock - 2.28%
Dark Rock - 2.28% Wooden Railing - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Geyser - 2.28%
Ice - 2.28% Rails - 2.28%
Ore Wagon - 2.28% Buffer Stop - 2.28%
Bloodstain - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Ice - 2.28% Frozen Chest - 2.28%
Frozen Chair - 2.28% Frozen Pendulum Clock - 2.28%
Frozen Trough - 2.28% Snowman - 2.28%
Small Crack In The Ice - 2.28% Raft - 2.28%
Raft - 2.28% Raft - 2.28%
Raft Rudder - 2.28% Ship Rudder - 2.28%
Ship Rudder - 2.28% Figurehead - 2.28%
Spikes - 2.28% Shield - 2.28%
Shield - 2.28% Stone Shelf - 2.28%
Figurehead - 2.28% Sled - 2.28%
Husky - 2.28% Stone Table - 2.28%
Stone Throne - 2.28% Frozen Demon - 2.28%
Frozen Mammoth - 2.28% Frozen Dragon - 2.28%
Frozen Behemoth - 2.28% Frozen Plaguesmith - 2.28%
Frozen Claw - 2.28% Frozen Human - 2.28%
Sarcophagus - 2.28% Chaos Mace - 0.55%
Small Ice Statue - 2.28% Spiked Squelcher - 0.81%
Searing Fire - 2.28% Sarcophagus - 2.28%
Fire Shrine - 2.28% Ice Shrine - 2.28%
Energy Shrine - 2.28% Earth Shrine - 2.28%
Wooden Coffin - 2.28% Wooden Coffin - 2.28%
Spider Web - 2.28% Spider Web - 2.28%
Something Crawling - 2.28% Spider Victim - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Sarcophagus - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Sarcophagus - 2.28%
Skeleton - 2.28% Niche - 2.28%
Skeleton - 2.28% Niche - 2.28%
Buoy Line - 2.28% Great Mana Potion - 1.37%
Great Health Potion - 1.37% Linen - 2.28%
Tent - 2.28% Dead Dragon Hatchling - 2.28%
Giant Shimmering Pearl - 2.28% Rock Soil - 2.28%
Grass - 2.28% Dirt - 2.28%
Dirt - 2.28% Grass - 2.28%
Beach Chair - 2.28% Parasol - 2.28%
Parchment - 2.28% Fiery Knight Axe - 0.27%
Celestial Map - 2.28% Dirt - 2.28%
Archway - 2.28% Terra Boots - 0.64%
Mysterious Machine - 2.28% Chalk Board - 2.28%
Shallow Water - 2.28% Shapeshifter Ring - 2.28%
Earth - 2.28% Sparkling Gems - 2.28%
Earth - 2.28% Bone - 2.28%
Plants - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Rifty Earth - 2.28% Rifty Earth - 2.28%
Sand - 2.28% Something Sparkling - 2.28%
Earth - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Grass - 2.28% Grass - 2.28%
Earth - 2.28% Cave Entrance - 2.28%
Cave Entrance - 2.28% Jagged Stones - 2.28%
Strange Stone - 2.28% Dragonhead - 2.28%
Jagged Stones - 2.28% Ornamented Stone Pillar - 2.28%
Archway - 2.28% Hole - 2.28%
Hole - 2.28% Large Hole - 2.28%
Piece Of A Broken Amulet - 2.28% Trapdoor - 2.28%
Trapdoor - 2.28% Stairs - 2.28%
Trapdoor - 2.28% Demon Oak - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Sand - 2.28%
Heap Of Sand - 2.28% Dried Grass - 2.28%
Sand - 2.28% Dried Grass - 2.28%
Dry Grass - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Earth - 2.28% Tunnel Entrance - 2.28%
Bone - 2.28% Bone - 2.28%
Bone - 2.28% Skull - 2.28%
Skull - 2.28% Bones - 2.28%
Heap Of Sand - 2.28% Hydra Statue - 2.28%
Brown Pavement - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Cobbled Pavement - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Earth - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Gem - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Stone Pillar - 2.28% Closed Door - 2.28%
Closed Door - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Bone - 2.28% Trapdoor - 2.28%
Wheel - 2.28% Brick Window - 2.28%
Dwarven Statue - 2.28% Orcish Banner - 2.28%
Dwarven Statue - 2.28% Bone - 2.28%
Large Crystal - 2.28% Crystal - 2.28%
Crucible - 2.28% Mould - 2.28%
Steaming Hot Lava - 2.28% Empty Pipe - 2.28%
Steaming Hot Lava - 2.28% Bellow - 2.28%
Steaming Hot Lava - 2.28% Muzzle - 2.28%
Armor Parts - 2.28% Tool Parts - 2.28%
Armor Parts - 2.28% Chimney - 2.28%
Balloons - 2.28% Battering Ram - 2.28%
Wagon - 2.28% Wagon - 2.28%
Covered Wagon - 2.28% Drawbars - 2.28%
Stones - 2.28% Wood - 2.28%
Coal - 2.28% Demon Oak - 2.28%
Dwarven Statue - 2.28% Statue - 2.28%
Wagon - 2.28% Tree Stump - 2.28%
Branch - 2.28% Tree - 2.28%
Tree - 2.28% Toolbox - 2.28%
Sparkling Gems - 2.28% Sorcerer Statue - 2.28%
Guardian Statue - 2.28% Energy Fence - 2.28%
Mysterious Machine - 2.28% Chalk Board - 2.28%
Earth - 2.28% Remains Of An Elemental - 2.28%
Tree - 2.28% Fallen Tree - 2.28%
Dirt Floor - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Grass - 2.28% Wooden Pillar - 2.28%
Rock - 2.28% Screw - 2.28%
Thread Of Screw - 2.28% Roof - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% White Marble Floor - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Closed Door - 2.28% Closed Door - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Window - 2.28%
Iron Floor - 2.28% Iron Wall - 2.28%
Wooden Floor - 2.28% Sundial - 2.28%
Statue - 2.28% Statue - 2.28%
Nails - 2.28% Golden Ornament - 2.28%
Copper Pipes - 2.28% Iron Wall - 2.28%
Closed Door - 2.28% Closed Door - 2.28%
Archway - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Broken Stone Wall - 2.28% Stone Railing - 2.28%
Golden Ornament - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Copper Pipes - 2.28% Steam - 2.28%
Slime - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Golden Ornament - 2.28% Steam - 2.28%
Copper Pipes - 2.28% Copper Wheel - 2.28%
Boiler - 2.28% Copper Pipe - 2.28%
Golden Ornament - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Stone Railing - 2.28% Small Tower - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Moss - 2.28%
Small Roof - 2.28% Stone Pile - 2.28%
Tapestry - 2.28% Heavy Wooden Chair - 2.28%
Brass Throne - 2.28% Tapestry - 2.28%
Eaves Gutter - 2.28% Rain Barrel - 2.28%
Gate - 2.28% Stone Gargoyle - 2.28%
Banner - 2.28% Orc Trophy - 2.28%
Trophy Of A Strange Fish - 2.28% Trophy Of A Strange Being - 2.28%
Bat - 2.28% Candle - 2.28%
Shield And Sword - 2.28% Shield - 2.28%
Skeleton - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Gate - 2.28% Roof - 2.28%
Large Gem - 2.28% Small Gems - 2.28%
Wooden Floor - 2.28% Metal Hand - 2.28%
Street Lamp - 2.28% Painting - 2.28%
Water - 2.28% Large Well - 2.28%
Statue - 2.28% Large Well - 2.28%
Small Balcony - 2.28% Old Carpet - 2.28%
Old Carpet - 2.28% Wall Mirror - 2.28%
Jutty - 2.28% Small Balcony - 2.28%
Old Piece Of Paper - 2.28% Wall Mirror - 2.28%
Drawbridge - 2.28% Acid - 2.28%
Burnt Wall - 2.28% Mosaik - 2.28%
Large Window - 2.28% Stone - 2.28%
Small Window - 2.28% Bloodspot - 2.28%
Ghost Charm - 2.28% Lit Wall Lamp - 2.28%
Statue - 2.28% Tree - 2.28%
Roof - 2.28% Street Lamp - 2.28%
Wall Lamp - 2.28% Ghost Charm - 2.28%
Crystal Column - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Rusty Boots - 2.28% Lever - 2.28%
Old Carpet - 2.28% Velvet Tapestry - 2.28%
Wall Lamp - 2.28% Stone Carving - 2.28%
Strange Apparatus - 2.28% Strange Apparatus - 2.28%
Strange Apparatus - 2.28% Strange Machine - 2.28%
Strange Machine - 2.28% Strange Machine - 2.28%
Strange Machine - 2.28% Weird Machine - 2.28%
Alchemical Apparatus - 2.28% Suspicious Cauldron - 2.28%
Gate - 2.28% Wooden Pillar - 2.28%
Gate - 2.28% Wooden Pillar - 2.28%
Small Topaz 2 0.79% Lever - 2.28%
Bellow - 2.28% Crucible - 2.28%
Lever - 2.28% Hat For Eclesius - 2.28%
Epaminondas Doll - 2.28% Limestone Wall - 2.28%
Broken Limestone Wall - 2.28% Limestone Railing - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Limestone Pillar - 2.28% Limestone Wall - 2.28%
Limestone Wall - 2.28% Limestone Pedestal - 2.28%
Framework Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Framework Window - 2.28% Framework Window - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Roof - 2.28%
Funnel - 2.28% Pillar - 2.28%
Statue - 2.28% Statue Of Fafnar - 2.28%
Spider Webs - 2.28% Spider Webs - 2.28%
Goddess Statue - 2.28% Sun Emblem - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Banner - 2.28%
Pavement - 2.28% Wooden Floor - 2.28%
Pavement - 2.28% Carlin Shield - 2.28%
Serpent Shield - 2.28% Stone Ledge - 2.28%
Stone Pedestal - 2.28% Sand - 2.28%
Dark Sand - 2.28% Limestone Window - 2.28%
Limestone Window - 2.28% Limestone Window - 2.28%
Pavement - 2.28% Dead Tree - 2.28%
Remains Of A Death Blob - 2.28% Telescope - 2.28%
Flowery Garland - 2.28% Dirt Mud - 2.28%
Sand - 2.28% Zaoan Wall - 2.28%
Zaoan Decoration - 2.28% Serpent's Statue - 2.28%
Dragon Statue - 2.28% Serpent Decoration - 2.28%
Skull Decoration - 2.28% Lizard Statue - 2.28%
Zaoan Decoration - 2.28% Pepper Root Grass - 2.28%
Dry Grass - 2.28% Trollhair Plants - 2.28%
Plant's Hedge - 2.28% Diabolic's Hedge - 2.28%
Wild Wine - 2.28% Pepper Root Grass - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Aquarius Fungius - 2.28%
Tainted Plant - 2.28% Tainted Plant - 2.28%
Necrotic Grass - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Zaoan Decoration - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Serpent Ground - 2.28%
Bush - 2.28% Hand Plant - 2.28%
Tainted Hand Plant - 2.28% Rattleleaf Bush - 2.28%
Defense Construction - 2.28% Scale Roof - 2.28%
Serpent Decoration - 2.28% Horn Decoration - 2.28%
Zaoan Decoration - 2.28% Zaoan Decoration - 2.28%
Horn Decoration - 2.28% Dragon Statue - 2.28%
Dragon Throne - 2.28% Dragon Banner - 2.28%
Banner - 2.28% Dragon Banner - 2.28%
Banner - 2.28% Lance - 2.28%
Dragon Banner - 2.28% Red Banner - 2.28%
Wagon - 2.28% Wall Lamp - 2.28%
Serpent Decoration - 2.28% Lizard Weapon Rack - 2.28%
Zaoan Decoration - 2.28% Dragon Statue - 2.28%
Banner - 2.28% Mud Sand - 2.28%
Water - 2.28% Rice - 2.28%
Skull Stone - 2.28% Gate - 2.28%
Glowing Switch - 2.28% Window - 2.28%
Sand - 2.28% Dragon Statue - 2.28%
Shrine - 2.28% Sand - 2.28%
Fish - 2.28% Sand - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Withered Plants - 2.28%
Banner - 2.28% Clay Lump - 0.93%
Large Pile Of Bones - 2.28% Dark Spikes - 2.28%
Part Of A Giant Stone Dragon - 2.28% Lamp - 2.28%
Lamp - 2.28% Tainted Soil - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Closed Door - 2.28%
Dirt Floor - 2.28% Ground - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Timber Wall - 2.28%
Acid - 2.28% Dead Bamboo - 2.28%
Small Mudpit - 2.28% Sulphur Puddle - 2.28%
Sulphur Puddle - 2.28% Putrid Growth - 2.28%
Putrid Growth - 2.28% Ground - 2.28%
Putrid Growth - 2.28% Ground - 2.28%
Muddy Floor - 2.28% Skull Pillar - 2.28%
Fog - 2.28% Corrupted Wall - 2.28%
Bridge - 2.28% Corrupted Wall - 2.28%
Corrupted Wall - 2.28% Dragon Basin - 2.28%
Tapestry - 2.28% Decorative Spear's - 2.28%
Decorative Shield - 2.28% Statue - 2.28%
Chair - 2.28% Corrupted Wall - 2.28%
Corrupted Wall - 2.28% Corrupted Wall - 2.28%
Marble Floor - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Pillar - 2.28% Chair - 2.28%
Timber Wall - 2.28% Jade Ornaments - 2.28%
Floor - 2.28% Torch - 2.28%
Dragon Statue - 2.28% Torch - 2.28%
Lamp - 2.28% Torch - 2.28%
Torch - 2.28% Well - 2.28%
Dragon Fountain - 2.28% Weapon's Rack - 2.28%
Decorative Axe's - 2.28% Weapon's Rack - 2.28%
Decorative Axe's - 2.28% Crystal Ball - 2.28%
Corrupted Wall - 2.28% Dragon Spike - 2.28%
Carpet - 2.28% Roof - 2.28%
Decorative Spear - 2.28% Alter - 2.28%
Bones - 2.28% Throne - 2.28%
Corrupted Wall - 2.28% Roof - 2.28%
Wall Torch - 2.28% Wall Torch - 2.28%
Mirror - 2.28% Wall Lamp - 2.28%
Banner - 2.28% Tapestry - 2.28%
Dragon Statue - 2.28% Corrupted Wall - 2.28%
Sign - 2.28% Corrupted Wall - 2.28%
Corrupted Plantation - 2.28% Corrupted Plantation - 2.28%
Poison Field - 2.28% Sleeping Dragon - 2.28%
Closet - 2.28% Large Book - 2.28%
Molten Lava Well - 2.28% Floating Junk - 2.28%
Floating Chair - 2.28% Floating Junk - 2.28%
Magic Portal - 2.28% Palisade - 2.28%
Palisade - 2.28% Statue - 2.28%
Treasure Chest - 2.28% Phoenix Statue - 2.28%
Timber Wall - 2.28% Timber Wall - 2.28%
Timber Wall - 2.28% Lush Grass - 2.28%
Lush Grass - 2.28% Timber Floor - 2.28%
Lush Grass - 2.28% Timber Floor - 2.28%
Timbers - 2.28% Leaves - 2.28%
Branch - 2.28% Deer Antlers - 2.28%
Antlers - 2.28% Lush Grass - 2.28%
Timber Table - 2.28% Wooden Trunk - 2.28%
Cabinet - 2.28% Tattered Curtain - 2.28%
Cutlery - 2.28% Wolf Hide - 2.28%
Beam - 2.28% Hanging Fur - 2.28%
Sand Tile - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Stone Pillar - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Pillar - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Tomb Wall - 2.28% Dragon Scales - 2.28%
Sandy Tile - 2.28% Sandy Tile - 2.28%
Sand Tile - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Skull - 2.28% Papyrus Scroll - 2.28%
Ornate Tombstone - 2.28% Skull - 2.28%
Papyrus Scroll - 2.28% Ornate Tombstone - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Stone - 2.28%
Face Of The Colossus - 2.28% Beard Of The Colossus - 2.28%
Thumb Of The Colossus - 2.28% Fist Of The Colossus - 2.28%
Toes Of The Colossus - 2.28% Toes Of The Colossus - 2.28%
Timber Table - 2.28% Clock - 2.28%
Frozen Heart - 2.28% Draken Doll - 2.28%
Music Box - 2.28% Giant Cake - 2.28%
Cake Tile - 2.28% Cake Tile - 2.28%
Huge Cauldron - 2.28% Alter Of Fire - 2.28%
Giant Cake - 2.28% Tomb Wall - 2.28%
Wooden Planks - 2.28% Broken Wall - 2.28%
Net - 2.28% Tomb Wall - 2.28%
Tomb Wall - 2.28% Skull - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Dark Sand - 2.28%
Energy Shrine - 2.28% Earth Shrine - 2.28%
Unknown Item - 2.28% Pressed Winterberries - 2.28%
Sand - 2.28% Pressed Winterberries - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Unknown Item - 2.28%
Huge Cauldron - 2.28% Rocky Archway - 2.28%
Rocky Pillar - 2.28% Strange Stalagmite - 2.28%
Scorpion Altar - 2.28% Dirty Water - 2.28%
Mysterious Machine - 2.28% Wheel - 2.28%
Slime Fungus - 2.28% Stone Floor - 2.28%
Slime Fungus - 2.28% Slime Fungus - 2.28%
Slime Fungus - 2.28% Rocky Floor - 2.28%
Rocky Floor - 2.28% Rocky Wall - 2.28%
Rocky Wall - 2.28% Rocky Wall - 2.28%
Rocky Wall - 2.28% Lamp - 2.28%
Hieroglyph Banner - 2.28% Pharaoh Banner - 2.28%
Golden Ornament - 2.28% Scorpion Ornament - 2.28%
Hieroglyphs - 2.28% Niche - 2.28%
Carving Of A Scorpion - 2.28% Strange Carving - 2.28%
Carving Of A Battle - 2.28% Strange Carving - 2.28%
Carving Of A Battle - 2.28% Sarcophagus - 2.28%
Hyaena Statue - 2.28% Golden Scorpion - 2.28%
Small Golden Scorpion - 2.28% Ornamented Scorpion Table - 2.28%
Scorpion Altar - 2.28% Coal - 0.21%
Rubbish - 2.28% Branch Fence - 2.28%
Small Shed - 2.28% Bench - 2.28%
Shelf - 2.28% Trunk - 2.28%
Pallet - 2.28% Water Pump - 2.28%
Star Ring - 2.28% Bird's Nest - 2.28%
Toad Pedestal - 2.28% Fire Field - 2.28%
Large Spider Web - 2.28% Trunk - 2.28%
Large Spider Web - 2.28% Warning Sign - 2.28%
Epic Wisdom - 2.28% Imortus - 2.28%
Old Radio - 2.28% Hive Structure - 2.28%
Hive Structure - 2.28% Hive Pillar - 2.28%
Hive Structure - 2.28% Mud - 2.28%
Insectoid Cell - 2.28% Hive Structure - 2.28%
Hive Structure - 2.28% Insectoid Hive - 2.28%
Hive Structure - 2.28% Moist Wall - 2.28%
Stone Pillar - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Stone Pillar - 2.28% Moist Stones - 2.28%
Small Moist Stones - 2.28% Hive Structure - 2.28%
Hive Structure - 2.28% Hive Floor - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Hive Gate - 2.28%
Insectoid Antenna - 2.28% Insectoid Egg - 2.28%
Broken Insectoid Eggs - 2.28% Insectoid Hivecomb - 2.28%
Hivecomb Floor - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
Giant Insectoid Eggs - 2.28% Insectoid Pore - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Small Insectoid Hairs - 2.28%
Insectoid Meatball - 2.28% Rockboy - 2.28%
Wet Temple Floor - 2.28% Finely Crafted Ornament - 2.28%
Wet Temple Floor - 2.28% Cracked Temple Floor - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Hoard Of Gold - 2.28%
Deepling Spawn - 2.28% Sea Floor - 2.28%
Hoard Of Gold - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Grotto - 2.28% Lamp - 2.28%
Lamp - 2.28% Deepling Spawn - 2.28%
Sponge - 2.28% Laminaria - 2.28%
Ornate Wall - 2.28% Bubbles - 2.28%
Leaves - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Brown Sea Floor - 2.28% Enormous Statue - 2.28%
Table - 2.28% Lampions - 2.28%
Drinks - 2.28% Lampions - 2.28%
Archway - 2.28% Golden Anchor - 2.28%
Unknown Tile - 2.28% Unknown Tile - 2.28%
Shallow Water - 2.28% Party Lampions - 2.28%
Insectoid Queen - 2.28% Seashell Bookcase - 2.28%
Lava Stream - 2.28% Lava Stream - 2.28%
Basket - 2.28% Wanted Note - 2.28%
Crystal Wall - 2.28% True Heart Of The Sea - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Tapestry Of Honour - 2.28%
Artist's Easel - 2.28% Artist's Easel - 2.28%
Masterpiece Of A Muse - 2.28% Painting Of A Muse - 2.28%
Masterpiece Of A Gozzler - 2.28% Painting Of A Gozzler - 2.28%
Mathmaster Shield - 2.28% Medusa Skull - 2.28%
Doll Of Durin The Almighty - 2.28% Majestic Shield - 2.28%
Stone - 2.28% Broken Idol - 2.28%
Window - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Window - 2.28% Stone - 2.28%
Crystal Floor - 2.28% Basalt Wall - 2.28%
Basalt Wall - 2.28% Basalt Wall With Crystals - 2.28%
Basalt Wall - 2.28% Crystals - 2.28%
Small Basalt Wall - 2.28% Crystals - 2.28%
Basalt Wall With Crystals - 2.28% Basalt Wall - 2.28%
Small Stream - 2.28% Green Crystal Stalagmite - 2.28%
Large Fallen Crystal - 2.28% Green Crystals - 2.28%
Blue Crystals - 2.28% Red Crystals - 2.28%
Crystal Geode - 2.28% Large Blue Crystal - 2.28%
Fossilised Spine - 2.28% Fossilised Spine Parts - 2.28%
Basalt Floor - 2.28% Crystal Trail - 2.28%
Mold Floor - 2.28% Mossy Floor - 2.28%
Mossy Wall - 2.28% Mossy Wall - 2.28%
Mossy Wall - 2.28% Mushrooms - 2.28%
Mossy Wall - 2.28% Mossy Wall - 2.28%
Bearded Hedgehog Mushroom - 2.28% Small Glowing Mushrooms - 2.28%
Paxillus Mushroom - 2.28% Large Boletus Mushroom - 2.28%
Huge Brown Mushroom - 2.28% Mushroom Corkscrew Stairs - 2.28%
Large Decorative Mushroom - 2.28% Huge Red Crystal - 2.28%
Mushrooms - 2.28% Crystal Wall - 2.28%
Mossy Wall - 2.28% Crystal Wall - 2.28%
Basalt - 2.28% Basalt Wall - 2.28%
Basalt - 2.28% Crystals - 2.28%
Mossy Wall - 2.28% Mossy Spots - 2.28%
Mossy Wall - 2.28% Basalt Crystal Wall - 2.28%
Mossy Wall - 2.28% Crystal Glass Floor - 2.28%
Stone Block - 2.28% Small Stream - 2.28%
Cave Painting - 2.28% Lightsource - 2.28%
Mushroom Sponge - 2.28% Titanic Mushroom - 2.28%
Wooden Floor - 2.28% Wooden Floor - 2.28%
Wooden Floor - 2.28% Small Stream - 2.28%
Carrot - 2.28% Giant Carrot - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Stone - 2.28%
Lava Stream - 2.28% Large Crystal - 2.28%
Icy Bones - 2.28% Icy Bone Railing - 2.28%
Icy Skull - 2.28% Icy Bones - 2.28%
Icy Bones - 2.28% Icy Bone Claw - 2.28%
Icy Wall - 2.28% Icy Mammoth Horn - 2.28%
Icy Mammoth Ear - 2.28% Icy Mammoth Head - 2.28%
Icy Mammoth Trunk - 2.28% Bones - 2.28%
Icy Bones - 2.28% Large Crystal - 2.28%
Lonely Crystal - 2.28% Large Crystal - 2.28%
Scattered Crystals - 2.28% Violet Crystal Shard - 0.35%
Brown Crystal Splinter 2 0.75% Blue Crystal Splinter - 0.46%
Green Crystal Fragment - 0.68% Drill Bolt 10 0.82%
Moist Wall - 2.28% Treasure Chest - 2.28%
Dragon Eye - 2.28% Stairs - 2.28%
Muddy Floor - 2.28% Swamp - 2.28%
Bog Wart - 2.28% Bog Wart - 2.28%
Muddy Stone Wall - 2.28% Whispering Willow - 2.28%
Swamp Gnarl - 2.28% Choking Swamp Gnarl - 2.28%
Swamp Claw - 2.28% Giant Mud Lump - 2.28%
Big Mud Lump - 2.28% Mud Ball - 2.28%
Swamp Mud Debris - 2.28% Mud Nugget - 2.28%
Stone Lichen - 2.28% Mud Clot - 2.28%
Grimy Wooden Plank - 2.28% Wooden Planks - 2.28%
Nails - 2.28% Wooden Planks - 2.28%
Wooden Planks - 2.28% Quagmire Moss - 2.28%
Grimy Wooden Plank - 2.28% Muddy Mountain - 2.28%
Muddy Mountain - 2.28% Swamp Clay Mountain - 2.28%
Mountain - 2.28% Brown Stone Wall - 2.28%
Ornate Wall - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Stone Alcove - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Window - 2.28% Window - 2.28%
Small Window - 2.28% Stone Archway - 2.28%
Stone Pillars - 2.28% Stone Pillar - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Brick Wall - 2.28%
Muddy Brick Wall - 2.28% Brick Wall - 2.28%
Muddy Brick Wall - 2.28% Brick Wall - 2.28%
Brick Wall - 2.28% Muddy Brick Wall - 2.28%
Muddy Brick Wall - 2.28% Small Wooden Fence - 2.28%
Ornament - 2.28% Pencil Tower - 2.28%
Golden Statue - 2.28% Ornate Tapestry - 2.28%
Venorean Bench - 2.28% Big Venorean Table - 2.28%
Counter - 2.28% Big Venorean Table - 2.28%
Counter - 2.28% Counter - 2.28%
Ornate Carpet - 2.28% Saw - 2.28%
Crane - 2.28% Cobblestone - 2.28%
Plaster - 2.28% Parquet Floor - 2.28%
Small Window - 2.28% Terracotta - 2.28%
Roof - 2.28% Swamp - 2.28%
Roof - 2.28% Beams - 2.28%
Roof - 2.28% Perfume Gatherer - 2.28%
Filigree Statue - 2.28% Sign - 2.28%
Oriel Window - 2.28% Roof - 2.28%
Cave Entrance - 2.28% Swamp Lichen - 2.28%
Low Stone Wall - 2.28% Sign - 2.28%
Pillar Railing - 2.28% Bookcase - 2.28%
Wet Timbers - 2.28% Wet Timber - 2.28%
Wet Timbers - 2.28% Barnacles - 2.28%
Crenellations - 2.28% Low Stone Wall - 2.28%
Stone Archway - 2.28% Stone Archway - 2.28%
Gate - 2.28% Small Wooden Fence - 2.28%
Elevator - 2.28% Winch - 2.28%
Winch - 2.28% Elevator - 2.28%
Cord - 2.28% Strange Symbols - 2.28%
Ghastly Eye - 2.28% Gate - 2.28%
Counter - 2.28% Bookworm Doll - 2.28%
Basalt Crystal Wall - 2.28% Spike Of A Crystal Drill - 2.28%
Basalt Crystal Wall - 2.28% Sand - 2.28%
Basalt Crystal Wall - 2.28% Mining Crane - 2.28%
Crude Water Conveyor - 2.28% Mining Conveyor Belt - 2.28%
Hedge - 2.28% Branches - 2.28%
Forest Floor - 2.28% Branches - 2.28%
Bookcase - 2.28% Tree Branch - 2.28%
Twig - 2.28% Leaves - 2.28%
Root - 2.28% Twisted Roots - 2.28%
Teal Leaves - 2.28% Enormous Tree - 2.28%
Mould - 2.28% Warm Blood - 2.28%
Blood Trickle - 2.28% Sand Trickle - 2.28%
Blood - 2.28% Sandy Rock Pile - 2.28%
Sandstone Mountain - 2.28% Hole - 2.28%
Ramp - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Mountain - 2.28% Forest Floor - 2.28%
Wild Roses - 2.28% Tree Branch - 2.28%
Small Brook - 2.28% Small Stream - 2.28%
Enormous Glowing Fruit - 2.28% Ferns - 2.28%
Sandstone - 2.28% Glowing Fruit - 2.28%
Small Glowing Fruits - 2.28% Blood Well - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Earth - 2.28%
Dripping Candles - 2.28% Leaves - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Council Certificate - 2.28%
Blazing Altar Basin - 2.28% Floating Bone - 2.28%
Brain Heater Machine - 2.28% Dripping Candles - 2.28%
Strange Shrine - 2.28% Wooden Floor - 2.28%
Smoke - 2.28% Smoke - 2.28%
Gray Sand - 2.28% Crystal - 2.28%
Large Berg Crystals - 2.28% Slimy Growth - 2.28%
Slimy Growth - 2.28% Slimy Growth - 2.28%
Basalt Crystal Wall - 2.28% Opticorder Forge - 2.28%
Memory Box - 2.28% Strange Foundation - 2.28%
Strange Wall - 2.28% Ruined Window - 2.28%
Window Shutter - 2.28% Thick Ruined Foundation - 2.28%
Strange Wall - 2.28% Strange Window - 2.28%
Window Shutter - 2.28% Strange Wall - 2.28%
Flowing Water - 2.28% Small Brook - 2.28%
Strange Wall - 2.28% Small Ruined Wall - 2.28%
Ruined Window - 2.28% Window Shutter - 2.28%
Ruined Wall - 2.28% Small Ruined Wall - 2.28%
Wasteland - 2.28% Thick Ruined Foundation - 2.28%
Wasteland - 2.28% Ruined Roof - 2.28%
Chimney - 2.28% Ruined Roof - 2.28%
Ruined Roof - 2.28% Ruined Roof - 2.28%
Ruined Roof - 2.28% Chimney - 2.28%
Ruined Roof - 2.28% Ruined Roof - 2.28%
Ruined Roof - 2.28% Ruined Roof - 2.28%
Gaunt Briar - 2.28% Poison Spine - 2.28%
Night Grasp - 2.28% Blister Egg Plant - 2.28%
Small Ichor Thistle - 2.28% Rock Needles - 2.28%
Small Rock Needles - 2.28% Tiny Rock Needles - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Giant Face - 2.28%
Giant Hand - 2.28% Unstable Vortex - 2.28%
Strange Vortex - 2.28% Strange Statue - 2.28%
Glistening Stone - 2.28% Stone Pebble Floor - 2.28%
Stone Pavement - 2.28% Stone Pebble Floor - 2.28%
Giant Face - 2.28% Stone Pavement - 2.28%
Sleepless Twine - 2.28% Dreamcatcher Device - 2.28%
Stone Pavement - 2.28% Stone Pavement - 2.28%
Flowing Water - 2.28% Broken Pillar - 2.28%
Flowing Water - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
Half-buried Face - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
Lamp - 2.28% Sleepless Twine - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Sleepless Twine - 2.28%
Ruined Stairs - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
Large Pile Of Various Bones - 2.28% Broken Pottery - 2.28%
Poison Spine - 2.28% Ruined Foundation - 2.28%
Ruined Pillar - 2.28% Strange Wall - 2.28%
Ruined Pillar - 2.28% Lava Hole - 2.28%
Energy Prison - 2.28% Prison Wall - 2.28%
Iron Ring - 2.28% Strange Stones - 2.28%
Small Instable Vortex - 2.28% Small Pillar - 2.28%
Stairs - 2.28% Prison Wall - 2.28%
Energy Prison - 2.28% Nightmare Beacon - 2.28%
Dreamcatcher Device - 2.28% Copper Lock Pedestal - 2.28%
Bronze Lock Pedestal - 2.28% Silver Lock Pedestal - 2.28%
Golden Lock Pedestal - 2.28% Santa Music Box - 2.28%
Stony Pond - 2.28% Dream Junk - 2.28%
Stairs - 2.28% Stairs - 2.28%
Sand - 2.28% Sand - 2.28%
Unknown Item - 2.28% Large Basin - 2.28%
Frozen Ursagrodon - 2.28% Unknown Item - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Small Wall - 2.28% City Foundation - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Open Window - 2.28% Closed Door - 2.28%
Closed Door - 2.28% Rosetta Window - 2.28%
Closed Window - 2.28% Ladder Rung - 2.28%
Ladder Rung - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
City Foundation - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
City Wall - 2.28% Ladder Rung - 2.28%
Street Lamp - 2.28% Candle - 2.28%
Gear Wheels - 2.28% Sewer Pipe - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Broken Bars - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Grime - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Grime - 2.28% Broken Bars - 2.28%
Massive Metal Statue - 2.28% Spume - 2.28%
Buttress - 2.28% Tube - 2.28%
Tube - 2.28% Switch - 2.28%
Pressure Gauge - 2.28% Small Pressure Gauge - 2.28%
Control Switch - 2.28% Generator - 2.28%
Parquet Floor - 2.28% Metal Statue - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Brown Marble Floor - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Broken Pressure Gauge - 2.28%
Small Broken Pressure Gauge - 2.28% Broken Control Switch - 2.28%
Broken Generator - 2.28% Valve - 2.28%
Unknown Item - 2.28% Slime - 2.28%
Runlet - 2.28% Roof - 2.28%
Chimney - 2.28% Chimney Ladder - 2.28%
Soot - 2.28% Grime - 2.28%
Cracked Wall - 2.28% Soot - 2.28%
Grime - 2.28% Cracked Wall - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Rubble - 2.28%
Lattice - 2.28% Cracked Wall - 2.28%
Slime - 2.28% Cracked Sewer Pipe - 2.28%
Cracked Tube - 2.28% Generator - 2.28%
Valve - 2.28% Slime Slide - 2.28%
Elevator - 2.28% Elevator - 2.28%
Elevator - 2.28% Slimy Growth - 2.28%
Juicy Root - 2.28% Slime - 2.28%
Strange Probing Device - 2.28% Reinforced Pillar - 2.28%
Reinforced Wall - 2.28% Reinforced Bridge - 2.28%
Reinforced Wheel - 2.28% Reinforced Pillar - 2.28%
Strong Chain - 2.28% Reinforced Bridge - 2.28%
Reinforced Pillar - 2.28% Strong Chain - 2.28%
Shallow Water - 2.28% Shallow Water - 2.28%
Voting Results - 2.28% Broken Shells - 2.28%
Dead Goblin - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Book - 2.28%
Ancient Sacrificial Stone - 2.28% Lava - 2.28%
Coral Stone - 2.28% Coral Stone - 2.28%
Ocean Floor - 2.28% Rock - 2.28%
Ocean Floor - 2.28% Broken Stone Tile - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Ornamented Stone Floor - 2.28%
Slime - 2.28% Slime - 2.28%
Slime - 2.28% Small Gloothworm Tubes - 2.28%
Spider - 2.28% Water Distilling Machine - 2.28%
Small Gloothworm Tubes - 2.28% Glooth Data Machine - 2.28%
Dinky Moss Floret - 2.28% Nacre Slab - 2.28%
Hoard Of Cursed Gold - 2.28% Midnight Panther Doll - 2.28%
Runes - 2.28% Distance Weapons - 2.28%
Werebadger Trophy - 2.28% Wereboar Trophy - 2.28%
Werebear Trophy - 2.28% Trophy Of Feroxa - 2.28%
Little Adventurer's Doll - 2.28% Cateroide's Doll - 2.28%
Dark Wizard's Crown - 2.28% Bones - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Fountain - 2.28%
Part Of The Godbreaker - 2.28% Unknown Item (wall Sign) - 2.28%
Large Cauldron - 2.28% Cooking Pillar - 2.28%
Grained Stone - 2.28% Blood - 2.28%
Ruddy Rock - 2.28% Cactus Tree - 2.28%
Tuft Palm - 2.28% Flowering Cactus - 2.28%
Tanning Rack - 2.28% Tanned Rhino Hide - 2.28%
Tanning Rack - 2.28% Tanned Rhino Hide - 2.28%
Heavy Anvil - 2.28% Rhino Hide - 2.28%
Heavy Stone Hammer - 2.28% Stone Hammer - 2.28%
Large Pliers - 2.28% Large Totem Pole - 2.28%
Clay Hut - 2.28% Clay Hut Entrance - 2.28%
Chimney - 2.28% Painted Tusks - 2.28%
Grass - 2.28% Dry Floor - 2.28%
Grass - 2.28% Dry Floor - 2.28%
Salt Incrusted Floor - 2.28% Tent - 2.28%
Unknown Item - 2.28% Painted Tusks - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Dry Floor - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Stone Pillar - 2.28%
Cracked Stone Wall - 2.28% Energy Wall - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Ogre Rune Stone - 2.28%
Ogre Rune Stone - 2.28% Stone Tile - 2.28%
Rift Tapestry - 2.28% Culled Clomp - 2.28%
Rift Floor - 2.28% Holes In The Floor - 2.28%
Rift Floor - 2.28% Crackling Energy - 2.28%
Overgrown Rift Floor - 2.28% Rift Floor - 2.28%
Rift Wall - 2.28% Glowing Dirt - 2.28%
Rift Pinnacle - 2.28% Rift Archway - 2.28%
Rift Jag - 2.28% Strange Growth - 2.28%
Viscous Dirt - 2.28% Rift Wall - 2.28%
Glowing - 2.28% Crater - 2.28%
Crater - 2.28% Vortex - 2.28%
Vortex - 2.28% Unknown Doll - 2.28%
Arena Leaderboard - 2.28% Vortex - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Monument Door - 2.28%
Monument Door - 2.28% Monument Broken Wall - 2.28%
Monument Door - 2.28% Monument Door - 2.28%
Slant - 2.28% Stone Floor - 2.28%
Stone Floor - 2.28% Monument Wall - 2.28%
Column - 2.28% Tree - 2.28%
Tree - 2.28% Water Stream - 2.28%
Parrot - 2.28% Treasure Chest - 2.28%
Treasure Chest - 2.28% Part Of An Old Map - 2.28%
Part Of A Rune - 2.28% Dark Stone - 2.28%
Dragon Lair Wall - 2.28% Portal Of Black Energy - 2.28%
Portal Of Green Energy - 2.28% Portal Of Violet Energy - 2.28%
Portal Of Orange Energy - 2.28% Portal Of Golden Energy - 2.28%
Portal Of Blue Energy - 2.28% Slate - 2.28%
Dragon Lair Wall - 2.28% Small Lava Pool - 2.28%
Small Lava Pillar - 2.28% Dragon Lair Wall - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Loremaster Doll - 2.28%
Stone Path - 2.28% Lush Meadow - 2.28%
Paralysed Bully - 2.28% Minotaur Idol - 2.28%
Tree With Blue Leaves - 2.28% Small Plant House - 2.28%
Small Dwelling In A Log - 2.28% Snail Shell House - 2.28%
Pillar - 2.28% Green Leaves - 2.28%
Sea Plant - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
White Crystals - 2.28% Tree Stump - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Unknown Beech - 2.28%
Sunlight Beech - 2.28% Dusk Beech - 2.28%
Dream Beech - 2.28% Lush Roof - 2.28%
Glistening Stone Floor - 2.28% Unknown Wall - 2.28%
Sentient Stone - 2.28% Sentient Stone - 2.28%
Fairy Tree - 2.28% Beech - 2.28%
Windroot Tree - 2.28% Dancing Tree - 2.28%
Arching Tree - 2.28% Unknown Item - 2.28%
Dream Bird Tree - 2.28% Moon Sculpture - 2.28%
Rose Arch - 2.28% Big Rose - 2.28%
Owl - 2.28% Unknown Floor - 2.28%
Unknown Wall - 2.28% Unknown Wall - 2.28%
Unknown Wall - 2.28% Unknown Wall - 2.28%
Rose Arch - 2.28% Big Rose - 2.28%
Stone Pillar - 2.28% Stone Pillar - 2.28%
Cult Object - 2.28% Cult Symbol - 2.28%
Unknown Item - 2.28% Emerald Sign - 2.28%
Tar Sacrificial - 2.28% Unknown Wall - 2.28%
Energy Barrier - 2.28% Reward Shrine - 2.28%
Muggy Border - 2.28% Minotaur Statue - 2.28%
Unknow Item - 2.28% Goromaphone(replica) - 2.28%
Wheat Carpet - 2.28% Crested Carpet - 2.28%
Decorated Carpet - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Unknown Wall - 2.28% Unknown Wall - 2.28%
Rusted Key Fragment - 2.28% Polished Key Fragment - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Reinforced Crystal-resonators - 2.28%
Crystal-resonator - 2.28% Sem Sprite - 2.28%
Sem Sprite - 2.28% Sem Sprite - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Glowing Obsidian Pipes - 2.28%
Obsidian Pipes - 2.28% Unknown Mountain Wall - 2.28%
Unknown Wall - 2.28% Unknown Item - 2.28%
Item Pile - 2.28% Dark Stone Totem - 2.28%
Dark Stone Pile - 2.28% Statue Of Werebear - 2.28%
Statue Of Werewolf - 2.28% Statue Of Wereboar - 2.28%
Statue Of Werebadger - 2.28% Statue Of Werefox - 2.28%
Pile Of Alchemistic Books - 2.28% Werefox Trophy - 2.28%
Magic Gold Converter - 2.28% Anglerfish Lamp - 2.28%
Unknown Corpse - 2.28% Zathroth' Redeemer - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Timber Table - 2.28%
Painted Stone Floor - 2.28% Writing Desk - 2.28%
Unknown Item - 2.28% Writing Desk - 2.28%
Black Wooden Chair - 2.28% Pile Of Books And Scrolls - 2.28%
Pile Of Books - 2.28% Pile Of Scrolls - 2.28%
Scroll - 2.28% Book - 2.28%
Pile Of Books - 2.28% Bonelord Statue - 2.28%
Scholar Bust - 2.28% Scholar Bust - 2.28%
Scholar Bust - 2.28% Scholar Bust - 2.28%
Twisted Tome Column - 2.28% Book Column - 2.28%
Column - 2.28% Unknown Carpet - 2.28%
Unknown Ground - 2.28% Unknown Carpet - 2.28%
Unknown Ground - 2.28% Unknown Carpet - 2.28%
Unknown Ground - 2.28% Unknown Carpet - 2.28%
Unknown Ground - 2.28% Violet Arcane Carpet - 2.28%
Ostentatious Bookstand - 2.28% Green Seating Area - 2.28%
Fired Chimney - 2.28% Purple Curtain - 2.28%
Hovering Shelf - 2.28% Unknown Object - 2.28%
Unknown Wall - 2.28% Fiery Metal Eye - 2.28%
Unknown Animation - 2.28% Unknown Object - 2.28%
Magic Sphere - 2.28% Stepladder - 2.28%
Unknown Object - 2.28% Chimmney - 2.28%
Unknown Object (fire) - 2.28% Wall Lamp - 2.28%
Magic Sphere - 2.28% Magic Sphere - 2.28%
Unknown Object - 2.28% Painting Of Tibiasula - 2.28%
Writing Desk - 2.28% Strong Wooden Gable - 2.28%
Slate Floor - 2.28% Unknown Object (floor) - 2.28%
Tessellated Floor - 2.28% Tessellated Wall - 2.28%
Closed Door - 2.28% Open Door - 2.28%
Book Shelves - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Half-buried Face - 2.28% Obsidian Pipes - 2.28%
Small Harvestable Crystals - 2.28% Unknown Item - 2.28%
Unknown (teleport) - 2.28% Bone Lever - 2.28%
Unknown Walls - 2.28% Slate Column - 2.28%
Unknown Wall - 2.28% Unknown Object - 2.28%
Unknown Object - 2.28% Unknown Object - 2.28%
Unknown Object - 2.28% Unknown Column - 2.28%
Unknown Ground - 2.28% Unknown Wall - 2.28%
Unknown Tarpety - 2.28% Unknown Item - 2.28%
Timber Table - 2.28% Fluorescent Fungi - 2.28%
Luminescent Fungi - 2.28% Glowing Sulphur Fungi - 2.28%
Gloomy Poisonous Fungi - 2.28% Unknown Wall - 2.28%
Unknown Item - 2.28% Unknown Item - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Unknown Tile - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Unknown Tile - 2.28% Ice Floor - 2.28%
Frozen Floor - 2.28% Stone Floor - 2.28%
Ornamented Floor - 2.28% Ornamented Wall - 2.28%
Frozen Wall - 2.28% Ornamented Wall - 2.28%
Frozen Wall - 2.28% Frozen Column - 2.28%
Magic Portal - 2.28% Mutated Egg - 2.28%
Banner - 2.28% Banner - 2.28%
Golden Sun - 2.28% Snowflakes - 2.28%
Sacrophagus - 2.28% Old Desk - 2.28%
Closed Door - 2.28% Open Door - 2.28%
Closed Door - 2.28% Open Door - 2.28%
Golden Sun - 2.28% Snowflakes - 2.28%
Closed Door - 2.28% Open Door - 2.28%
Warm Bonfire - 2.28% Ignited Fireworks Rocket - 2.28%
Reserveds Sprites - 2.28% Unknown Lever - 2.28%
Unknown Lever - 2.28% Unknown Lever - 2.28%
Unknown Lever - 2.28% Sequoia Trunk - 2.28%
Veined Rock - 2.28% Veined Stone - 2.28%
Veined Rock - 2.28% Ruddy Obelisk - 2.28%
Pile Of Ruddy Ashlars - 2.28% Ancient Sepulchre - 2.28%
Sphinx Statue - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Item - 2.28% Statue Of Suon - 2.28%
Statue Of Bastesh - 2.28% Potted Plant - 2.28%
Reed - 2.28% Obelisk - 2.28%
Pilaster - 2.28% Unknown Item - 2.28%
Door Casing - 2.28% Golden Dome - 2.28%
Blue Dome - 2.28% Mosaic - 2.28%
Inscription - 2.28% Sun Ornament - 2.28%
Mosaic - 2.28% Lamassu Statue - 2.28%
Unknown Item - 2.28% Reed - 2.28%
Ancient Paving - 2.28% Ancient Paving - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Archway - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Window Wall - 2.28%
Ruined Ancient Wall - 2.28% Closed Door - 2.28%
Open Door - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Ancient Archway - 2.28% Ancient Railing - 2.28%
Ancient Window - 2.28% Ruined Ancient Wall - 2.28%
Open Door - 2.28% Ramp - 2.28%
Drawn Archway - 2.28% Ancient Wall - 2.28%
Closed Drawn Curtain - 2.28% Open Drawn Curtain - 2.28%
Ancient Railing - 2.28% Ancient Archway - 2.28%
Ancient Window - 2.28% Fitting - 2.28%
Sphinx Statue - 2.28% Unknow Carpet - 2.28%
Carpet - 2.28% Yalaharian Carpet - 2.28%
Hanging Sun Disk - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Burial Case - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Wooden Scaffolding - 2.28%
Large Canvas - 2.28% Large Canvas - 2.28%
Wooden Scaffolding - 2.28% Wooden Planks - 2.28%
Small Pottery Bowl - 2.28% Small Vase - 2.28%
Small Jar - 2.28% Small Vase - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
Ancient Stone Coffin - 2.28% Ancient Sacrophagus - 2.28%
Ancient Tombstone - 2.28% Small Amphora - 2.28%
Wooden Ladder - 2.28% Obelisk - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Ancient Wall - 2.28%
Hanging Sun Disk - 2.28% Statue Of Fafnar - 2.28%
Shallow Water - 2.28% Reed - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Unknown Tapestry - 2.28%
Large Caldron - 2.28% Unknown Tile Border - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Memory Englitener - 2.28% Flask With Lamp Oil - 2.28%
Honey Palm - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Shallow Water - 2.28% Vortex - 2.28%
Memorial - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Unknown X - 2.28% Unknown X - 2.28%
Gryphon Nest - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
All Knowing Sausages - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Unknown - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Tic-tac-toe Token - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Slime Fungus Ulcer - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Stone Wall - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Ruined Wall - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Earth Ground - 2.28% Sand - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Vortex - 2.28%
Stone Wall - 2.28% Ornate Wall - 2.28%
Ornate Wall - 2.28% Ruined Wall - 2.28%
Ornate Wall - 2.28% Ruined Wall - 2.28%
Ornate Wall - 2.28% Ornate Wall - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Vortex - 2.28% Dead Three - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Blood - 2.28%
Unknown - 2.28% Reserved Sprite - 2.28%
Reserved Sprite - 2.28% Lion Statue - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Wall Window - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Hand - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Unkow Doll - 2.28%
Unkow Doll - 2.28% Closed Door - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Wall - 2.28% Buttress - 2.28%
Wall Window - 2.28% Open Door - 2.28%
Wall Window - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Open Door - 2.28% Roof - 2.28%
Roof - 2.28% Wooden Wheel - 2.28%
Woods - 2.28% Flags - 2.28%
Wooden Cabin - 2.28% Ground - 2.28%
Pool - 2.28% Wall - 2.28%
Lion Flags - 2.28% Rocky Wall - 2.28%
Statue - 2.28% Hole - 2.28%

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal Box