Entregue o Engraved Crossbow, 100 Lizard Leather, 100 Red Dragon Leather, 05 Enchanted Chicken Wings, 01 Piece of Royal Steel, 01 Piece of Draconian Steel, 01 Piece of Hell Steel para a NPC Elane.
Primeiro você deve ir para a caverna das valkyrias, no subsolo de Tiquanda. Ao entrar, prepare-se para encontrar algumas Amazons, várias Amazons e Witches, continue como indicado no gif abaixo.
Note que você deve passar pela porta selada. Caso não tenha falado com Elane antes, você não poderá seguir em frente.
Falando a primeira vez com Elane
Jogador: Hi
Elane: Hi, Jogador! What can I do for you?
Jogador: Outfit
Elane: Oh, my winged tiara? Those are traditionally awarded after having completed a difficult task for our guild, only to female aspirants though. Male warriors will receive a hooded cloak.
Jogador: Task
Elane: So you are saying that you would like to prove that you deserve to wear such a hooded cloak?
Jogador: Yes
Elane: ...
Jogador: Hi
Elane: Hi, Jogador! What can I do for you?
Jogador: Crossbow
Elane: I'm so excited! Have you really found my crossbow?
Jogador: Yes
Elane: Yeah! I could kiss you right here and there! Besides, you're a handsome one.
Jogador: Leather
Elane: Did you bring me 100 pieces of lizard leather and 100 pieces of red dragon leather?
Jogador: Yes
Elane: Good work, Jogador! That is enough leather for a lot of sturdy quivers. Now, please bring me 5 enchanted chicken wings.
Jogador: Chicken wings
Elane: Were you able to get hold of 5 enchanted chicken wings?
Jogador: Yes
Elane: Great! Now we can create a few more Tiaras. If only they weren't that expensive... Well anyway, please obtain one piece of royal steel, draconian steel and hell steel each.
Jogador: Steel
Elane: Ah, have you brought one piece of royal steel, draconian steel and hell steel each?
Jogador: Yes
Elane: Wow, I'm impressed, Jogador. Your really are a valuable member of our paladin guild. I shall grant you your reward now. Wear it proudly!
Entregue a Sniper Gloves para NPC Elane em Tiquanda para receber o addon.
Jogador: Hi
Elane: Hi, Jogador! What can I do for you?
Jogador: Sniper Gloves
Elane: You found sniper gloves?! Incredible! Listen, if you give them to me, I will grant you the right to wear the sniper gloves accessory. How about it?
Jogador: Yes
Elane: Great! I hereby grant you the right to wear the sniper gloves as accessory. Congratulations!