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The Sweaty Cyclops Quest

The Sweaty Cyclops Quest


Habilidade de negociar com o A Sweaty Cyclops.



Inimigos que você enfrentará

  • Dworc Venomsnipers


  • 3 Bast Skirts


O A Sweaty Cyclops pedirá 3 Bast Skirts para presentear sua "namorada". Você pode coletar essas saias caçando Dworc Venomsnipers.


A Sweaty Cyclops
Jogador: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Jogador: uth'lokr
A Sweaty Cyclops: Firy steel it is. Need green ones' breath to melt. Or red even better. Me can make from shield. Lil' one want to trade?
Jogador: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Wait. Me work no cheap is. Do favour for me first, yes?
Jogador: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Me need gift for woman. We dance, so me want to give her bast skirt. But she big is. So I need many to make big one. Bring three okay? Me wait.
Jogador: bast skirt
A Sweaty Cyclops: Lil' one bring three bast skirts?
Jogador: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good good! Woman happy will be. Now me happy too and help you.
Jogador: bye
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good bye lil' one.

Negociando com A Sweaty Cyclops

Piece of Royal Steel

A Sweaty Cyclops

Requerimentos: Crown Armor.

Jogador: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Jogador: uth'kean
A Sweaty Cyclops: Very noble. Shiny. Me like. But breaks so fast. Me can make from shiny armour. Lil' one want to trade?
Jogador: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
Jogador: bye
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good bye lil' one.

Piece of Draconian Steel

A Sweaty Cyclops

Requerimentos: Dragon Shield.

Jogador: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Jogador: uth'lokr
A Sweaty Cyclops: Firy steel it is. Need green ones' breath to melt. Or red even better. Me can make from shield. Lil' one want to trade?
Jogador: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
Jogador: bye
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good bye lil' one.

Piece of Hell Steel

A Sweaty Cyclops

Requerimentos: Devil Helmet.

Jogador: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Jogador: za'ralator
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hellsteel is. Cursed and evil. Dangerous to work with. Me can make from evil helmet. Lil' one want to trade?
Jogador: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
Jogador: bye
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good bye lil' one.

Huge Chunk of Crude Iron

A Sweaty Cyclops

Requerimentos: Giant Sword.

Jogador: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Jogador: uth'prta
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good iron is. Me friends use it much for fight. Me can make from weapon. Lil' one want to trade?
Jogador: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
Jogador: bye
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good bye lil' one.

Infernal Bolts

A Sweaty Cyclops

Requerimentos: Soul Orb.

Jogador: hi
A Sweaty Cyclops: Hum Humm! Welcume lil' Player.
Jogador: soul orb
A Sweaty Cyclops: Uh. Me can make some nasty lil' bolt from soul orbs. Lil' one want to trade all?
Jogador: yes
A Sweaty Cyclops: Cling clang!
Jogador: bye
A Sweaty Cyclops: Good bye lil' one.
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